Monday 15 December 2014


This is a good topic to discuss '  appreciation '!!
I think it is some how a difficult thing for many people. There are some people out there who can't appreciate others NOT because they are jealous  but simply they can't do this either they lack confidence or they are a bit shy or it can be anything let me tell you I was this sort of person and I was always very very shy to appreciate others just it was not my thing i was unable to do it every single time I tried but with the passage of time I worked really hard to develop and know thankfully it is developed and I feel really good about it because for me making the people around me happy is such a wonderful feeling in this word I would like to say I try to do this but sometimes I fail at it as well which hurts :(  Oh I have started rambling let's get back to the point APPRECIATE OTHERS! 
        Appreciation gives a huge amount of positive energy to the person and he will always do better then he is previously doing!

 In my opinion everyone needs appreciation. IT'S IMPORTANT!! 

 So from now own start doing this practice it will surely help you as well as others!


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