Monday 21 September 2015

Night time walk!!

Hello Everyone!
I hope everyone is perfect out there!:)

So a while ago I did a post about " A lovely morning walk" . You can read it here  if you want to obviously you don't have to:) So yeah that's that and someone very kindly asked me to write a post on night time walk so here it is :)

Well for me walk is an absolutely lovely thing whether it is of morning time or night time!

I think walk is such a relaxing and calming thing and it is very very beneficial as well . For me MORNING WALK is calming because the crisp wind , the birds chirping , the beautiful sunrise are definitely things that calms the mind and are so soothing to you and really prepares you for a hectic busy day ahead!

Whereas NIGHT WALK is relaxing in my opinion because darkness is very relaxing in itself and it definitely helps you to relax your body muscles . I think it should be part of our routines as it helps so much and I think all of us need a little stroll on the road staring at the sky , the moon , the stars just perfection I believe!! 

Night walk should be the time in which you can really reflect on your day! And most importantly avail this relaxing time for SELF ANALYSIS!! Well for me self analysis is a thing of great importance and I also wrote a whole post on it a while back!
If you think about the things, the mistakes or the good things that you did in the day during a lovely night walk , you can really think wisely about the changes you should make in yourself or your routine or whatever it is and also appreciate yourself! THAT IS IMPORTANT!!

Here are a few GOOD things about night walk in my OPINION!!

  • Helps to reduce any sort of stress!
  • Me time!! Yay!! Everyone loves a me time!! ( if you are on your own)
  • Relaxed body!
  • Great view obviously! Who does not love moon and stars?? :)
  • Time for self analysis!
  • Time for admiring life! basically!!
  • Night is the most amazing time of a day I think , enjoy it!

Well I love night time walks as much as I love a good morning walk, so it is indeed very hard for me to select one walk from morning or night!

I am gonna go with both of them I think!:)

Both are great!
Any walk is amazing!

Be sure to let me know walk of which time is your favorite and why!

And subscribe if you want to obviously you don't have to if you don't want to :)
And I will talk with you very soon!!
Bye !
Take care!

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