Saturday 5 September 2015

Take out time for yourself! ME TIME!!

Hello Everyone!
I hope that everyone is doing well ! 
Today I am going to talk about ME TIME!

Honestly I love it!

If you are not familiar with what me time is, it is basically time for yourself, the time when you can really take a look at yourself and just give yourself a good amount of time!
It is very important to have some for yourself especially when you are stressed or frustrated with things happening!
So everyone's ME TIME can be completely different . Just do the things that you are neglecting because of your hectic schedule. Reflect on your life!

I am just going go through some of the things which you can do while having ME TIME!!

Obviously while having me time , you should have the best surrounding so that you can relax and calm yourself and just concentrate on yourself basically!
So just create environment which you love. For example if you like fresh scents you can light scented candles or spray your favorite fragrance or whatever you ;like it is completely up to you!
Close the curtains if you like or just open them and let the sunlight come in , again it is up to you.Just create environment you like the most and there you go!

I think this is most probably the best thing to do while having me time because warm water is really relaxing and refreshing and calming so this is the best thing to be done! So choose what you like . If you are a shower person go for it or a bath person then go for it! Enjoy it and relax as much as you can! And you can have a spa at home! 
Give yourself a facial or exfoliate your skin! File your nails! Paint them! AND love your life !



So wear the most comfy clothes you own and take over the world! :)
Obviously when you are having me time you can dress whatever you like so wear the clothes you want to!

And if you still want to look cool put some red lipstick on and you will look lovely ! ( If you like makeup so much) and paint your nails as well!
Just dress the way you want to.

Food is something that majority of the people love and just make something you enjoy or maybe order a pizza or a takeaway! Sounds amazing isn't it?
you can bake something for something as well!
My personal favorite thing is not food but tea! I love tea to the moon and back! So I go for tea first , again it is completely up to you!

  • BOOKS!
If you like reading then take a cool book out of your bookshelf and give it a go! 
Because reading really soothes your mind so I think reading for at least half and hour while me time should be done to relax yourself!
If there is a tv show you like or a movie that makes you happy then take it out and watch and with your snack and basically you have a cinema at home! 
Now you have the best environment , you are mentally and physically fresh, you have got food so it is time to reflect on your life!
Think about yourself .
Think about the things you have been neglecting for yourself!
Ask yourself some questions and find answers for them.
Think about the best moments of your life.
Think about things that makes you happy and the things that don't make you happy!
Think about your passions!
Think about the things you change in order to improve your life!
Basically on the whole I think talking to yourself can be really beneficial !
And having a little ' Me time' is going to make you really happy and positive for the upcoming days of your lives!

Don't forget yourself in this very fast moving world! Just don't leave yourself behind!
You should be the most important person in your life!! Take care of yourself!

Comment down below the things that you like to do when having me time!
And I will talk to you in the next post!

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