Friday, 8 September 2017

Life Pillars

Long time no see! This blog post has been a long time coming one but hey ho its better late then never so lets get talking!
So I don't really know about any thing as life pillars but I figured life becomes life by these four major pillars that I am going to talk about today. What exactly is a pillar we might think, well its a support that helps in the a structure of any thing so come to think of the ' life pillars', I feel like there are majorly four:

  • Family.
  • Relationships.
  • Career or education.
  • Mental health.
There are various other things that make life, life but these four are the basic pillars in my opinion. In order to live life to the fullest we need to have these as strong as we possibly can and its not a hard deal, I have seen people who got all these four pillars knocked on over and I have seen them rebuilt them pillars and not giving up at all even when their life got destructed cause of the pillars knocking over. Struggle makes life. There ain't no pleasure in living without hardships and wrestle. There is an evident difference between people who have every ease at hand and people who do and sacrifice a lot to be at ease. The difference in their mindsets, in their outlook on life, in their perception of being thankful, in being patient, in appreciating more. Where as the people who are born that lucky and have everything and haven't have done any major struggles to earn a great living, don't have these feelings which I just mentioned, and all of 'em are equally important cause you know feelings are what makes us human. Similarly struggle makes us sane, well its a huge statement to make and some of you might not agree with me on this but in my opinion struggle can make you 'insane' sometimes while you do it or go through it but the reward will make you sane and that's what matters. Struggle should be the key to live. Lack of faith and procrastination wont get you anywhere and their will come a time which will make you realize that wasting your time and going on an easy road was not the wisest idea of all. If you are lucky and you have these four pillars intact then its great and what should be done is that cheeky little struggle to KEEP them in place. Where as if you are one of them people whose pillars or maybe one or two pillars got knocked down, trust me you can rebuilt them what you need is 

  • Struggle.
  • Patience
  • Faith.
  • Optimism
  • Will.
  • Prayer.
  • Ultimate goal.
  • HOPE!

These are a fair few basics that are needed.
As I said that struggle should be the key to live and after that I am believer of ' The fruit of patience is sweet'. You defo need patience while 'rebuilding' them pillars uhmm its like playing Lego like the really complex one. You have to have patience till your whole piece comes together so rebuilding life pillars is somewhat like that! Onto FAITH! Well faith is faith and it can take you from nowhere to everywhere in my opinion. Optimism, its something which I rave on bout in every other blog post of mine I feel like but that is because I think optimism is that one perfectly awesome thing that everyone should have in their life. Its not hard to get, its free!! That's that. Will... an important factor, please don't let it die cause when will dies a massive destruction takes place, so try your level best to keep it alive. How to keep it alive you might ask well I think the things I just mentioned are the once that are required to keep your will alive. Prayer, its as equally important as optimism for me or maybe a little more then that. Prayers do wonders and their is no denying! Goals,we all have them. Some are small, some are massive, some are short term, some are long term. All of them are paramount. The thing tho is what we do in order to achieve 'em and all of you will agree that we don't really stick to our goals or resolutions. This thing needs to be given a thought that why that is not done, it needs to be done and when you will set a lifetime goal you will have ti work on it and GET IT AT ANY COST! Its all a matter of how serious and concerned are you. HOPE. Have it, own it, keep it alive deep down its majorly required!
Sit back and have a look at your life and the four pillars that I mentioned in the beginning and figure out which one need to worked on in order to save it from knocking over! Life is not easy but its not hard either, if lived like the way it deserved to be lived!
So that's bout it!
I will see you in my next post until then take care, have faith, live and love life and stay awesome cause YOU got this!!:)

Thank you!

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